Our college Library having 4,500 books for B.Ed & D.Ed courses. Computerized
catalogue is available for B.Ed & D.Ed books. About 900 reference books are also
available in our library. A.P. State Government Text Books for all elementary
and high school subjects are available in our library. C.B.S.S.E & I.C.S.E. Text
books for all elementary and high school are also available. B.Ed & D.Ed Telugu
Academy Text books and famous published books have been provided with multiple
copies in our college. Nearly 35 Educational Encyclopedias, 18 journals and 18 educational and cultural magazines are available in our library. The seating capacity of our library is
60. Drinking water facility is also available in our Library. Our library timing are from 9.00 AM to 12.00 PM and 2.00 PM to 5.00 PM.